Friday, January 25, 2008

An Introduction to OSGI.

An Introduction to OSGi on the Server Side by Daniel Rubio -- Daniel Rubio introduces OSGi, an environment that facilitates modularizing an application into smaller and more manageable pieces, with packaging, JVM, and class loader graph support.

Does somebody really know the pros and cons of JMX and OSGI?

I came across some interesting links on OSGI and Web Development, thought i would list them here.

Chris Aniszczyk discusses web development with Equinox HTTP Service.

If you want to check out how equinox can be used to develop visit Server-Side Equinox

and Equinox in a Servlet Container.

Neil Bartlett discusses about Eclipse Extensions and OSGI. This article is a must read for someone interested in knowing about Equinox, OSGI, OSGI Declarative Services and Spring OSGI. Gives a nice introduction and the rationale behind these technologies.

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